The Lake Champlain Basin Atlas contains more than 20 interactive maps that illustrate a variety of themes and issues in the Lake Champlain Basin. Accompanying text, figures, and photographs further explain the natural and cultural features that define the Basin. From history to phosphorus to zebra mussels, you’ll find lots of information about Lake Champlain and its watershed here.
Many of the maps address topics that are central to the Lake Champlain Basin Program’s work, including the implementation of the Lake Champlain management plan Opportunities for Action. Clean water, healthy ecosystems, thriving communities, and an informed and involved public are the key goals of this plan. Each page on the site includes relevant links to the plan as well as to the LCBP’s main website and its State of the Lake site.
The Atlas is a treasure trove of information awaiting exploration by learners of all ages. The Students and Educators page provides resources for learning about the Basin and about mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. Additional resources, such as a glossary, useful website links, and factsheets provide opportunities to explore further.
Each map includes links to the GIS data that is used to create it. This data is available in shapefile and KMZ formats. Additionally, you’ll find links to the maps in ArcGIS Online. If you have an ArcGIS online account, you can use them in your own webmaps. The Atlas is not intended to be a repository of geospatial data, but rather a tool that uses data available from other sources to tell the story of the watershed and its fascinating natural and cultural features. For those who prefer to simply print a map, PDF files are available for each.
We encourage you to explore these pages and see where they take you. Use the tabs on the left to navigate. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please let us know.
*Note: The landscapes of the Lake Champlain Basin took millions of years to develop. We don’t expect it to take that long to finish the Atlas, but like the watershed itself, it is a work in progress. So check back soon for new maps and materials!